Use nested dictionary define widget key

Hi all!

I wonder if I can define a widget’s key uses nested session state?


st.session_state[“page_1”] = {“widget_a”: 1, “widget_b”: 2}

and then in my widget:

st.widget(key = st.session_state[“page_1”] [“widget_a”])

So this way, i can easily manage all all session state within a page/session.

I know I can use prefix to kind of group them together, but can I somehow use nested dictionary?


If you set

st.session_state[“page_1”] = {“widget_a”: 1, “widget_b”: 2}
st.text_input("some label", key = st.session_state[“page_1”] [“widget_a”])

Then the key of the text input widget would be "1" and Streamlit would register st.session_state["1"]="" when the widget is initialized. The key parameter is for the key; the value is stored in Session State associated to that key. So while you could create a dictionary or list of keys associated to a single key in Session State, Streamlit would still take those keys as you use them to register them at the top level of Session State.