I am just starting to learn streamlit and i am very excited since it was the first time i could manage to run a web app from scratch. I would like to know something about the design of the apps. I am working with several dataframes in pandas and each function returns the dataframe after some transformation. My question is, should i return those values via return function variables (to feed another function or display to user) or is it better to use st.session_state to use those variables as a global variable throughout the code ? Thanks in advance and congrats for the developers team. Amazing framework.
I try to use session variable if it is really needed. The idea is to minimize storing things in the session state.
Starting out, if the app works without session state, perfect. I wouldn’t worry about using session state as long as it works. However, if you’re app is reloading with every widget interaction and the state is lost and you want to avoid this, then using session state may help.
Here’s a bit more info on Session state in the Docs:
Hope this helps!