Using PyInstaller (or similar) to create an executable

Hi @s_mc and welcome to the forum! :wave:

The best way to share would be to run streamlit in a server and share the app url. Another option would be to create a docker image with your code and share the image, but this docker option could be a little complex for individuals who are using your app.

Currently, we don’t have a way to internally deploy your app within Streamlit, but we are working on a “For Teams” offering that will add this functionality. If you’re interested in hearing more, here is a link where you can sign-up to get updates as they become available.

In the meantime, here is a link to a post that goes over some community driven ways to host your app.

Hope this helps answer your question, and feel free to let us know if this isn’t the functionality you’re looking for! :smiley: