Hi all, first post here. I’m messing around with quadratic optimization in Pyomo to find the optimal schedule for a PV/battery combination.
On my local Windows machine, installation worked fine. I downloaded the ipopt folder from here, added the path to the ipopt executable to PATH, and was able to call
import pyomo.environ as pyo
opt = pyo.SolverFactory('ipopt')
model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
... some optimization logic...
result = opt.solve(model)
I have been trying to get the ipopt solver running on Streamlit Cloud. I am not at all experienced with dependency management, but I have tried a lot of things without any success.
First attempt:
Online I found that one needs to put
into packages.txt, in addition with the other dependencies in requirements.txt. This did not yield any success…
Second attempt:
putting the ipopt executable in the repo and using the executable_path parameter in SolverFactory, as such:
opt = pyo.SolverFactory('ipopt',executable='ipopt')
This works fine on my local machine, but this executable (together with the linux executable file I put in the repo) is not found when deploying to Streamlit Cloud:
py:140 in available
137 │ │ if ans is None:
138 │ │ │ if exception_flag:
139 │ │ │ │ msg = "No executable found for solver '%s'"
❱ 140 │ │ │ │ raise ApplicationError(msg % self.name)
141 │ │ │ return False
142 │ │ return True
ApplicationError: No executable found for solver 'ipopt'
Neither attempt works. I would strongly prefer to not depend on a manually-placed executable, also as I don’t want it to seem like I’m taking credit for it. Could someone help me out with a combination of packages.txt and requirements.txt that would solve it?
You can find the repo here: GitHub - daan-gieles/colocation_battery_optimization
Thanks in advance!