Using st.cache_resource for a generator

What is the appropriate way to use st. cache_resource for a generator object?

This generator feeds a realtime data stream, depending on certain conditions it creates a button.

However when clicking on the button the whole application is reloaded which causes all the variables to be nulled apart from the cache of the streamlit application.

This is a complex generator which is not pickleable therefore storing it as a session_state is not viable. I have attempted to use the stream st.cache_resource but since it is a async generator object error I get the following error.

Exception has occurred: StopException       (note: full exception trace is shown but execution is paused at: <module>)
exception: no description
  File "consumer/", line 106, in main
    async for tx in data_stream():
  File "consumer/", line 121, in <module> (Current frame)

Any recommendations for working around such issue?

There are many ways, what the proper one is depends on your needs. This works for me.

import streamlit as st

def generator():
    i = 0
    while True:
        yield i
        i = i + 1
