What is the appropriate way to use st. cache_resource for a generator object?
This generator feeds a realtime data stream, depending on certain conditions it creates a button.
However when clicking on the button the whole application is reloaded which causes all the variables to be nulled apart from the cache of the streamlit application.
This is a complex generator which is not pickleable therefore storing it as a session_state is not viable. I have attempted to use the stream st.cache_resource but since it is a async generator object error I get the following error.
Exception has occurred: StopException (note: full exception trace is shown but execution is paused at: <module>)
exception: no description
File "consumer/Latest_block.py", line 106, in main
async for tx in data_stream():
File "consumer/Latest_block.py", line 121, in <module> (Current frame)
Any recommendations for working around such issue?