Version 1.43.0


  • :file_folder: Announcing the option to accept files with st.chat_input!
  • :ledger: Introducing a new column type for column configuration! Use JsonColumn to show JSON-compatible objects.

Notable Changes

Other Changes

  • :ninja: Users can hide dataframe columns (#10264, #6870).
  • :date: Users can change the format of numbers, dates, and times in dataframes (#10420).
  • โ†”๏ธ Users can auto-size column widths (#10476).
  • :polar_bear: Streamlit supports Polars dataframe and series hashing (#10408, #10347).
  • :skull_and_crossbones: rich is no longer a required dependency for Streamlit (#10320).
  • :butterfly: st.file_uploader has a better display format in narrow containers (#10272).
  • :lizard: Bug fix: Tabs are prevented from having a width of zero to prevent flickering (#10533).
  • :snail: Bug fix: Column order is correctly displayed when set in column configuration (#10445, #10442).
  • :spider_web: Bug fix: We updated dataframe null handling to prevent deprecation warnings (#10484).
  • :cricket: Bug fix: Elapsed time doesnโ€™t overflow for st.audio_input (#10410, #10373). Thanks, ashm-dev!
  • :scorpion: Bug fix: st.altair_chart does not show an incorrect โ€œtrueโ€ tooltip when the user makes a selection (#10456, #10448).
  • :mosquito: Bug fix: Streamlit does not raise a RuntimeError when an asyncio event loop is not already running (#10455, #10452).
  • :microbe: Bug fix: The key for an internal MIME type is set correctly to avoid a browser warning (#10404).
  • :fly: Bug fix: st.data_editor automatically scrolls to the bottom when a user adds a row (#10405, #10351).
  • :cockroach: Bug fix: Tooltips are suppressed on user-added rows in st.data_editor to prevent erroneous warnings (#10398).
  • :spider: Bug fix: st.logo displays consistently when used with fragments and dialogs (#10377, #10350, #10382).
  • :lady_beetle: Bug fix: st.graphviz_chart has rounded corners for consistent style (#10224).
  • :honeybee: Bug fix: Streamlit raises a clear exception when an underscore is used in provider for st.login (#10360, #10356).
  • :ant: Bug fix: The dataframe column menu displays correctly inside dialogs (#10359, #10357).
  • :beetle: Bug fix: Exception handling was adjusted for improved compatibility with Cython (#10354, #10353). Thanks, tutu-sol!
  • :bug: Bug fix: st.pills and st.segmented_control have consistent font sizes across browsers (#10349).