Voice based code editor assistant

Hi. Using streamlit and a streamlit custom component called streamlit-ace, I made a web application where user can input his/her voice(prompt) related to a specific programming language and receive help.
It is a voice-based smart code editor assistant made using intent and entity extraction(wit.ai).
I used the library SpeechRecognition for recording the user’s voice.

Github Link: https://github.com/Sharan-Babu/VOCAI
Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/E1D_kdOuTtc

The source code in the github repository will help you deal with uploading audio to streamlit and also using streamlit-ace component. You can run the application on your system by following the steps in the ReadMe of the repository. I hope you like it :slight_smile:.

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This is nice! It has this little GPT-3 vibe ahah :upside_down_face: lemme try to build new Streamlit apps with this!

  • It may benefit you to remove the hardcoded Wit access token though, even if it’s free, maybe provide through an environment variable or .env file and explain in the README how other people can configure their own.

Great demo!


Thanks! Will update the ReadMe.