Is designing websites for clients using Streamlite the right thing to do? With Streamlit I can create hotel reservations or doctor appointment systems or whatever But I can’t build this project with Django and Flask because it’s hard and time consuming Do you think using Streamlite instead of Django and Flask is the right thing to do? Please give your opinion
I am building news or sports sites or hotel booking or doctor appointment system or online store with Streamlite. Are these websites using Streamlite the right thing to do?
From my personal experience with both Flask and Streamlit, I would use Flask for any transactional application. If you have an app that just needs to render the data, Streamlit would be good.
I am now rebuilding my transactional app in Flask abandoning Streamlit version. Flask give you better control in designing the app flow as only code for that specific screen is run that you try to load vs. figuring out a logic to control which code should run and how with Streamlit as entire app is rerun. My $0.02.
Not saying that it can’t be done in Streamlit by any means but it would take more trial and error to get the flow the way you want from my personal experience. HTH.
Streamlit is not good at interaction. for example, login with cookis, Complex web will be problems, and you have no idea for it. Also if you have many pages, the pages load experience is not good.
in a word , if a simple pages streamlit is ok. else I suggest you to use flask