Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
05/24/21 - 05/30/21
Issue - V54
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
Streamlit Updates
- If you haven’t signed up for Streamlit sharing yet - join here.
- Check out the Streamlit sharing badge for your GitHub repos:
- In case you missed it-Secrets Management is now available in sharing! Upgrade and read the docs to get started.
- Read about submit button and forms and try out the new features in this sample app.
Check out these tips on designing Streamlit apps to make them more user friendly
Featured Content
The G-Trendalyser
Analyzing LinkedIn Connections @OkkarMin
How to Build a Machine Learning App in Python @dataprofessor
How to Build an EDA App in Python @dataprofessor
Streamlit forms @rosariomoscatolab
Colour Adjustment Application using Kornia & Streamlit @Pavankunchala
Streamlit Tips, Tricks, and Hacks for Data Scientists
Hosting your First Web App on Streamlit with VSCode || Shivam Sahu || Sagnik Mitra || MLSA Event
Hands on - Build and share data-based apps with Streamlit
Streamlit python - Tweet sentiment analysis of US airlines
Creating an Instagram bot(using Python and Streamlit) @jojo96
Machine Learning WebApp in Python with Streamlit - Tutorial / Crash Course for the Streamlit Library
Streamlit Interactive Finance Dashboard - Stock Performance Comparison
Sentiment Analysis for Customer Experience With Python and Streamlit
Creating Multipage applications using Streamlit (efficiently!)
Create a Surfing Web App
How I made a Web App that converts E-book into AudioBook With Under 20 Lines of Code
Science and Tech
NLP and Language
Open AI & DistilBERT - Question Answering @DeepakJohnReji
Text to speech web app using python and streamlit
Spam Classifier
Data Visualization
CV and Images
Finance and Business
Previsão de Churn
Previsão de risco de credito
Stock Price Prediction
Application web de Machine Learning avec Python Streamlit
Stock Market Predictionn
Geography and Society
PopApp - São José dos Pinhais
Dados sobre Covid-19 com foco no Amazonas
CSA Pindorama
Covid-19 Dashboard For India
Información COVID La Rioja
Bangalore COVID-19 Vaccines Slot Availability Analysis
Startup Recommender
HERE Tour Planning Demo
Diamond Price Predictor
Iris Classifier
Cool happenings and other things
- Drawable canvas update @andfanilo
- Build an Order Book Simulation with Kafka and Streamlit Workshop Upcoming workshop 6/22
- What the FAQ? App preview @Charly_Wargnier