Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
12/13/21 - 12/26/21
Issue - V82
Current Release: 1.3.1
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
- = articles
- = videos
- = apps
Streamlit Updates
- Check out the newly expanded free tier of Streamlit Cloud. You can now deploy a private app and unlimited public apps! Just sign in to get started.
Featured Content
- Add a snowflake animation to your streamlit web app (quick & easy)
- Streamlit Hands-On: Features and Tips For Enhanced App User Experience
- Portfolio Optimization Tool
- Summarizing my favorite podcasts with Python
- ML Hyperparameter Optimization App using Streamlit
- Tu año en Twitter
- Catch mouse events on ECharts plots in Streamlit | Introducing streamlit-echarts 0.4.0 @andfanilo
- How to Build a YouTube Transcription App in Python @dataprofessor
- [PyCon JP 2021] LT:Developing browser-ready real-time computer vision apps with Streamlit by whitphx @whitphx
- Streamlit Tricks — Application Reruns on Every Widget Click? Here’s What-To-Do @avratanubiswas
- Streamlit Tutorial to build beautiful Data Apps with Lottie Animations | GIFs Alternative @1littlecoder
- Streamlit Tutorial | Build web Apps with Python and Streamlit for beginners
- End-to-End AutoML Pipeline with H2O AutoML, MLflow, FastAPI, and Streamlit
- 5 Creating an app using streamlit
- Deployment of (ASHRAE_Case_study) Machine_learning Model using Streamlit and ngrok
- [REAL-TIME] Build and Deploy a Web App (ZERO Experience Needed)
- Building a data visualization web app using python-Streamlit
- Build and Deploy a Web App in 30 mins with Python
- [Pythonプログラミング]WEBUI付きのアプリケーションをサクサク作ることの出来るStreamlitについて
- Landmarks Recognition Web-App using Python | Like Google Lens | Machine Learning Projects
- Create An Awesome Streamlit App & Deploy it With Docker
- Tutorial Launch Saleable Streamlit dashboards @ AWS — part 3
- Create a simple data app with Streamlit
- How to Create a Simple Streamlit App + How to Deploy it on Heroku
- Translate English to French Using Streamlit and Deep Translator
- Music Recommender System — Part 6
- [Video 2] - Streamlit Web Application (local run)
- ¿ Cómo armar una Radiografía de una cuenta de Twitter usando Python?
- Visualizing Pathologies in Ultrasound Image using OpenCV and Streamlit
- Placing Models on Streamlit
- Streamlit: The fastest way to create and share data applications!
- Malaria Cell Image Classification – An End-to-End Prediction
Science and Tech
NLP and Language
- Sentiment Classifier @Salik_Hussaini
- Pencegahan Dini Terhadap Kasus Perundungan Melalui Tool Deteksi Cyberbullying di Media Digital
- Search Trend
- Nube de palabras LinkedIn
- Movie Review Sentiment Analysis
- تحليل محادثات الواتس اب
- Applied Machine Learning App with Tensorflow
- Energy Sentiment Analysis
- Texto pra Voz - Python
Data Visualization
- Covid-19 Analytics Dashboard
- My Peloton Workouts Dashboard
- LinkedIn Network Visualizer
- Petroleum Data Analytics
- Streamlit App - GC Analysis
CV and Images
Finance and Business
- Customer Subscription Prediction
- Sales Data Analysis - Application
- ¿Comprar o arrendar?
- Crypto Dashboard
- Media Mix Model Prediction
- Getting Started with Crypto
- 財布の小銭最小化問題
- Crypto Dashboard of Rene Smit
- لوحة معلومات نقاط البيع السعودية
- A Streamlit App to create and test Portfolios of S&P 500 stocks
- Forbes Top Athlete Earners
- Human Resource Analytics
- Analysis House Stream
Geography and Society
- Flight Fare @Ali_Jan
- Weather Forecasting World @nikhilshah
- Land Surface Temperature Explorer
- Wind Farm Analyser
- Final Project - University Locations
- Cambridgeshire Traffic
- Displaying a Cesium 3D Map in a Streamlit Web App @giswqs
- 2020 US Presidential Election Analysis Data Application using Streamlit
- Housing prediction app
- Movie Recommender System
- Portfolio
- streamlit demo for Musical Robot
- Portfolio Project
Model Building and Training
- KNNOR @ashhadul_islam
- Draw a pytorch model app with streamlit @and_b
- Logistic Regression App
- Streamlit User-Friendly AWS S3 Bucket
- Regression Models App
- ML Code Generator
- Yard Optimization
Cool happenings and other things
- A new CLI to kick-off your Streamlit projects! @arnaudmiribel
- Execute functions update Progress bar and Status update @j5645