What does Streamlit use to display tables in the front?

:wave: I just want to know to configure it for own use
I will be very grateful if someone knows and helps me with that information, pls :pray:

with st.write()
No st.table() or st.dataframe(my_dataframe)

Code snippet:

import streamlit as st

var1 = '''
| characteristic | value |
| lorem | ipsum |
| lorem | ipsum |
| lorem | ipsum |

var2 = '| characteristic | value |\n|----|----|\n| lorem | ipsum |\n| lorem | ipsum |\n| lorem | ipsum |'

st.write('the same table')

That is markdown. I think streamlit uses markdown-it-py to parse and render markdown.

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Thank you so much Goyo. I discovered that it was something too simple with markdown python standard library. But I think that the one you suggest is much easier still. Please, if you need help with something in CGI I can help you. Thank you Goyo!!! :pray:

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