Whatsapp group chats analysis

This is a streamlit application which will take a whatsapp group chat text file as an input and will various types of visualizations using which the user can analyze the chats data.

WhatsApp Chat Analysis

Visualizations include:

  1. Bar chart showing rank of group members by the number of messages sent.
  2. Wordcloud showing the most frequently used words in the group chat.
  3. Line chart showing the progression of messages by the day.
  4. Pie chart showing the distribution of messages sent by the day of the week.
  5. Bar chart showing the hour wise distribution of the messages sent.
  6. We can also generate a bar chart race video which shows the rankings of people who sent the most messages by the day.

Hey! This is a really nice idea! You can even use a sentiment analysis model from hugging face and show the overall sentiment of all members.

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Super cool!
I loved the words cloud!
I made a very similar app:

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Thank you for your suggestion. Sentiment analysis can surely be done with the chats data for each member. I think it will be a great idea to implement and extend the functionality of the application.

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Loved your app.
It is providing a really detailed analysis of the chats data.
I liked the way you have incorporated the video in which you’re showing how to use the app. That is something which I can also implement in my app.