Where to put sitemap.xml?

Good day Streamliters,

Does anyone know where to put sitemap.xml so Google can access crawl it?
like this page https://docs.streamlit.io/sitemap-0.xml

What I did:
In the root directory - nope, I cannot access it via domain.com/sitemap.xml.
In the pages directory - also no, cannot be accessed.

Searched the forum too, perhaps I am missing something here?

This is Streamlit deployed to a server with Nginx - and nope I do not think Nginx is limiting sitemap.xml.

Thank you folks :slight_smile:


Okay, I finally got Streamlit app to serve sitemap.xml. Solution is to place the following codes in the working directory .streamlit/config.toml file. Sitemap.xml is also placed in the pages directory.

# Enable serving files from a `static` directory in the running app's
# directory.
# Default: false
enableStaticServing = True

However, it does has its drawbacks.

The settings in the same file for [Theme] base =“dark” is no longer working. The deployed app is now serving in a light theme. Not sure yet how to fix this.

Also, for some reason BingSiteAuth.xml still does not serve.

Hope this helps someone :slight_smile: