Hi community
I am creating an app that lets users creating a wordcloud image after scraping text from a webpage.
I wanted to add a download feature of the wordcloud created, with st.download and a button, but once clicked nothing happens and page goes back to initial state. Below the code, thanks
Steps to reproduce
Code snippet:
if st.button("Scrape"):
text = get_text(URL)
# create a wordcloud
wordcloud = WordCloud(width=800, height=400, background_color="white", stopwords=STOPWORDS).generate(text)
# wordcloud title
st.markdown('#### Wordcloud of {}'.format(URL))
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear")
# create a button to save the wordcloud as an image
if st.button("Save Wordcloud"):
st.success("Wordcloud saved as an image")
If applicable, please provide the steps we should take to reproduce the error or specified behavior.
Expected behavior:
I would excpect to get the wordcloud image downloaded
Hope anyone can help thanks, Marcello