Yfinance not loading whole data in deployed site: streamlit cloud

Getting data from yfinance only loads today’s date on the deployed site but it works fine locally. When I download my data on the deployed site, I only have 1 row of data compared to when I download my data from running my app locally, I can download the whole dataset.

Attached file contains a picture of the deployed site and the data downloaded compared to the local app.




interv = st.select_slider('Select Time Series Data Interval for Prediction', options=[
                          'Weekly', 'Monthly', 'Quarterly', 'Daily'])


@st.cache(persist=True, allow_output_mutation=True)
def getInterval(argument):
    switcher = {
        "W": "1wk",
        "M": "1mo",
        "Q": "3mo",
        "D": "1d"
    return switcher.get(argument, "1wk")

df = yf.download('BZ=F', interval=getInterval(interv[0]))
df = df.reset_index()

def convert_df(df):
    # IMPORTANT: Cache the conversion to prevent computation on every rerun
    return df.to_csv().encode('utf-8')

csv = convert_df(df)

    label="Download data as CSV",
    file_name='Brent Oil Prices.csv',

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