I am trying to build a budget grid in streamlit using AG Grid, something like the one below. I am able to do this building my own grid options like below:
columnDefs = [ { 'headerName': 'Vessel', 'headerClass': 'custom-header', 'children': [ {'field': 'vessel_name', 'headerName': 'Vessel Name', 'cellClass': 'custom-cell-description', 'headerClass': 'custom-header custom-subheader'}, {'field': 'segment', 'headerName': 'Segment', 'cellClass': 'custom-cell-description', 'headerClass': 'custom-header custom-subheader'}, ] }, { 'headerName': 'TOTAL BUDGET', 'headerClass': 'custom-header custom-header-opex', 'children': [ {'field': 'annual_budget'}, ] } ] # Initialize grid options with column definitions gridOptions = { 'columnDefs': columnDefs }
But this ends up having a LOT of repetitive code since it’s all in a dict, and i have many more groups. Is there anyway to achieve this parent/child AG Grid options using the Gridbuilder tool?