Announcing Theming for Streamlit apps! 🎨

Hey @Amine_YK,

First, welcome to the Streamlit community! :partying_face: :partying_face: :tada: :tada: :raised_hands:

To troubleshoot can you check:

  • You have Streamlit --version 0.79 or higher?
  • That you have created a secret or hidden streamlit directory in the same folder your app is in .streamlit/
  • that your config file is named properly config.toml
  • that [theme] is the first entry in this file and is all lower case

If after checking this, everything is correct and your still having issues, I would recommend creating a new question. This should outline your issue and have a minimum working example of your code (or ideally a link to a GitHub repo)

You can check out the guidelines for asking questions that will help others help you here: Welcome ! Some suggestions for your first Streamlit question

Happy Streamlit-ing!