App stuck “Spinning up manager process”


I’ve rebooted my app today and it gets stuck at “Spinning up manager process”.

It was working fine just yesterday.

The service is down?


Your app is in the oven

[     UTC     ] Logs for

[19:41:35] :desktop_computer: Provisioning machine…

[19:41:35] 🎛 Preparing system...

[19:41:35] :chains: Spinning up manager process…

App link:

Thanks in advance!

Hi @doretto,

Thanks for sharing your question with the community! :balloon: Please update your debugging post to include a link to your app – this will allow the community to help you find an answer as quickly as possible.

Same here

[21:48:20] :desktop_computer: Provisioning machine…
[21:48:20] :control_knobs: Preparing system…
[21:48:20] :chains: Spinning up manager process…

Please I’m trying to deploy my app on streamlit’s cloud. It has stayed too long on ‘Spinning up manager process…" and doesn’t do anything else. I have deleted, restarted and rebooted the app to no avail. I have even deleted my account and rejoined again. I have been having this issue for 3 days now. it keeps on just showing “Your app is in the oven” and just remains there. Meanwhile it works perfectly on my local computer.

I’ll pass your app to engineering to take a look.

App up and running. Thank you!

Since the app is private, I’m not really sure. Perhaps you can start a new thread with the issue and some source code since it’s a bit different from the original issue of this thread.

1 Like

I have the same issue: my app failed to wake up because it got stuck in spinning manager process. I tried to reboot the app but it did not solve the problem. I tried to delete et deploy again but it is till getting stuck at the same step. My app URL is, could someone help me?

Have the same issue:

app link
github repo [GitHub - PernilleBrams/testing-streamlit: test](GitHub - PernilleBrams/testing-streamlit: test

Same issue here, I try to deploy my app but it gets stuck on “spinning up manager process”
my app:
my repo: GitHub - thib66/taxifare-website
there are really simple cases and it’s still running for a few minutes, I tried to reboot but still not working

I’m experiencing the same thing, the app is stucked at “Spinning up manager process”!
Link to the app:
Linkt to the repo: GitHub - brunoguratti/talk2log: Using LLM to analyze machine logs


[     UTC     ] Logs for
[14:08:47] 🖥 Provisioning machine...
[14:08:47] 🎛 Preparing system...
[14:08:47] ⛓ Spinning up manager process...

Could anyone help me, please?


It is working eventually


Can you check now? We had temporary problem with reporting app status, I manually fixed it. Your app should be starting now

Thank you it works now !!

I am also experiencing this since couple of hours. Here is the app url:

Mine is a private repo btw