Bash: line 3: 11 Killed /home/adminuser/.conda/bin/conda env update -n base --file environment.yml

Not able to deploy. I’m using python 3.11, what can be a problem? The environment.yml contains both local conda and pip installed packages. Please advise, thank you!

Also, I was able to successfully run “conda env update -n --file environment.yml” locally.

The only things I could think of are

  1. python 3.11 support
  2. the number of libraries supported given the disk space (my libs are quite basic including about 5 libs with their dependencies)
  3. my environment.yml may contain default python libraries (but I used the same yml successfully in conda update … test locally)

Hey @eanyich,

Thanks for sharing your question! Are you trying to deploy your app on Streamlit Community Cloud? Can you please share a link to the GitHub repo for your app?

Hello Caroline, thanks for the quick response. The app link is Streamlit ( And I’m not sure which one it is, but the error msg directed me to Community here.

We need the github repo link, not the app link please.

Thanks for clarify, Franky. Here it is eanyich/engineer-matcher (

What exactly is the problem?
I see no connection with post#1 as there is not even an environment.yml file in the repo.
It is just the plain streamlit hello template project… :thinking:

Hi @eanyich,
Thanks for sharing that! Are you seeing the " Bash: line 3: 11 Killed /home/adminuser/.conda/bin/conda env update -n base –file environment.yml" error in Community Cloud or on your local computer?

On cloud. Please see the attached screenshot.

The code is in the non-default master branch, so I didn’t see it on github right away… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Delete you environment.yml file, it is crammed with unnecessary und probably un-installable packages. Instead, write a plain requirements.txt file manually with just the libraries you actually need:


...maybe a missed one...
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Thank you! it’s working with requirements.txt.

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