Best free alternative to AgGrid?

AgGrid (streamlit-aggrid) gets shown off in the gallery, but it’s $750 for 1 website for something I would’ve thought would be totally free and the trial version has an ugly watermark.

Any suggestion for the best alternative?

The way I’m planning to use this is just to show a data table, allow hyperlinks in the table to be clicked (which I hadn’t done yet with aggrid anyway) and ideally use this for display of information in plots.

Hi @hack-r,

Thanks for posting!

If you’re just looking to create a table which includes hyperlinks, you probably don’t need the full functionality of AgGrid. Check out these related threads:

Caroline :balloon:

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Link was broken for “Display URLS in dataframe…”:

Here is the correct one:

I guess your problem is solved by using another option. I had the same issue with watermarks on my deployed application and stumbled upon this topic. While developing, I did not see a watermark, but my deployed app did show watermarks on the tables I added with streamlit-aggrid.

It turns out the parameter enable_enterprise_modules of the AgGrid function is set to True by default (although the documentation claims the default is False). If you do not need the enterprise features, as far as I understand, it should be free. At least setting the parameter to False got rid of the watermarks on my deployed application.

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Oh, very cool :sunglasses:

I will try that soon, :pray:

You can run it locally(watermark is not displayed) and if you want to expose it to internet, use something like ngrok

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