Best way to style tables in streamlit?

I have created a streamlit app that lets people explore how US counties changed during Covid. The app calculates the percent change between 2019 and 2021 for various demographic statistics.

Part of the app is a “Ranking Table” that I am rendering using st.dataframe(). Here is a screenshot of the table:

I would like to add some basic styling to this table. For example, I think setting the Percent Change column to have a gradient background would help users immediately understand what they are supposed to focus on, and the relationship of the numbers in that column. I also think it would be nice to highlight the row which corresponds to the selected county.

I’ve searched around online and there seem to be various ways to do do this. I am still fairly new to Pandas and Streamlit. Is there a best practice here that I should be aware of?


Hi @arilamstein

There are related threads that provide some code snippets on styling tables:

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