In my app, i was using the folim_static function and everything was working well.
I tried to switch to the st_folium function (for the fullscreen option) but whatever i do, the map doesn’t appear properly.
As soon as i try to add something on the map, a tooltip, a popup or the fullscreen option, the map is bugging and appear as follow:
Steps to reproduce
Code snippet:
import folium
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_folium import st_folium
from folium.plugins import Fullscreen
m = folium.Map(location=[39.949610, -75.150282], zoom_start=16)
folium.Marker( [39.949610, -75.150282]).add_to(m)
st_folium(m, height=500,width=500, returned_objects=[])
Debug info
- Streamlit version: 1.26.0
- Streamlit-folium version: 0.13.0
- Folium version: 0.14.0
- Python version: 3.9.13
- Browser version: Chrome
Can you please help me understand why?