Can't st.text_input work in an if loop

Hi users,

I am not able to save the file with an absolute path + file name. I want to save it as a csv file. I can’t hit ‘Press enter to apply’ and ‘Download CSV’ buttons.

Here’s the following code:
if st.button(“Generate Rating Curve”):
# Generate rating curve
df = generate_rating_curve(diameter, slope, manning_n, invert_level)

    # Plot the rating curve
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(df['Flow (m³/s)'], df['Elevation (mOD)'])
    ax.set_ylabel("Elevation (mOD)")
    ax.set_xlabel("Flow (m³/s)")
    # Optional file name input
    file_name_input = st.text_input("Enter the file name for the CSV (with extension, e.g., rating_curve.csv)", value="")
    if file_name_input:
        if not file_name_input.endswith(".csv"):
            st.error("File name must end with '.csv'")
            # Save file locally
            file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), file_name_input)
            df.to_csv(file_path, index=False)
            st.success(f"File saved successfully at: {file_path}")
    # Always provide download button with default name
    csv = df.to_csv(index=False)
        label="Download CSV",
        file_name="rating_curve.csv" if not file_name_input else file_name_input,
except Exception as e:
    st.error(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}")

If you’re creating a debugging post, please include the following info:

  1. I am running this app locally and not deployed.
  2. I am not getting an error message.
  3. Streamlit version is 1.36 and Python version is 3.11.