Can't understand why my app always reload

Hi !


I don’t understand why my app reloads when I select the selectbox. I’ve set up cache management, managed states but the result is still the same.
Do you see where the problem could be coming from?

My code :

import os
import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import as px
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import chardet

st.set_page_config(page_title="Bank statement analyzer", page_icon="🐈", layout="wide")

def get_encoding(file): #Model
    """Detect the encoding of a file."""
    result = chardet.detect(
    return result['encoding']

def read_csv(file, delimiter, encoding): #Model
    """Read a CSV file with the specified delimiter and encoding."""
    return pd.read_csv(file, delimiter=delimiter, encoding=encoding)

class FinancialApp:
    def __init__(self): = None
        self.delimiter = ';'
        self.currency = '€'

    def detect_headers(self): #Model
        """Detect the headers of the CSV file."""
        return list(
    def process_dates(self, start_date, end_date): #Model
        """Process the dates and return filtered data to display comparative graphs."""

    def process_data(self): #Model
        """Process the data in the CSV file."""

    def clean_number(self, num): #Model
        """Clean a number string by removing non-numeric characters and converting it to a float."""
            return float(str(num).replace(",", "."))
        except ValueError:
            return np.nan
    def match_columns(self, headers): #Controller
        """Match the columns in the CSV file to the required columns."""

    def display_monthly_expenses(self):
        st.header("Monthly Expense Analysis")

        # Get unique years and months from the data['Year'] =[self.date_column].dt.year['Month'] =[self.date_column].dt.month

        unique_years = sorted(['Year'].unique())
        unique_months = sorted(['Month'].unique())

        # Initialize session state for year, month, and category if not already set
        if 'selected_year' not in st.session_state:
            st.session_state['selected_year'] = unique_years[0]
        if 'selected_month' not in st.session_state:
            st.session_state['selected_month'] = unique_months[0]
        if 'selected_category' not in st.session_state:
            st.session_state['selected_category'] = None

        # Year and Month SelectBox
        selected_year = st.selectbox("Select Year", unique_years, index=unique_years.index(st.session_state['selected_year']), key='year_selectbox')
        selected_month = st.selectbox("Select Month", unique_months, index=unique_months.index(st.session_state['selected_month']), key='month_selectbox')

        # Update session state if the selections change
        st.session_state['selected_year'] = selected_year
        st.session_state['selected_month'] = selected_month

        filtered_data =[(['Year'] == st.session_state['selected_year']) & (['Month'] == st.session_state['selected_month'])]

        if not filtered_data.empty:
            # Group by category
            expenses_by_category = filtered_data.groupby(self.category_column)[self.debit_column].sum().reset_index()

            st.subheader(f"Expenses for {st.session_state['selected_month']}/{st.session_state['selected_year']}")

            # Pie chart of expenses per category
            fig = px.pie(expenses_by_category, values=self.debit_column, names=self.category_column, title="Expenses by Category")
            st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)

            # Add click interaction for category selection
            categories = expenses_by_category[self.category_column].tolist()
            if st.session_state['selected_category'] not in categories:
                st.session_state['selected_category'] = categories[0]

            selected_category = st.selectbox("Select Category to view details", categories, index=categories.index(st.session_state['selected_category']), key='category_selectbox')

            # Update session state for selected category
            st.session_state['selected_category'] = selected_category

            if st.session_state['selected_category'] == True:
                category_expenses = filtered_data[filtered_data[self.category_column] == st.session_state['selected_category']]
                st.subheader(f"Details for category: {st.session_state['selected_category']}")
            st.write(f"No data available for {st.session_state['selected_month']}/{st.session_state['selected_year']}")

    def show_summary(self): #View
        """Show a summary of the financial data."""

        st.subheader("CSV File")

    def show_charts(self): #View
        """Show charts of the financial data."""

    def run(self): #Controller
        with st.sidebar:
            with st.expander("Settings", expanded=True):
                self.delimiter = st.text_input("Delimiter (default ';')", value=";", key="delimiter")
                self.currency = st.text_input("Currency (default '€')", value="€", key="currency")
                self.savings = st.number_input(f"How much money do you want to save every month? (default {self.currency}1000)", value=1000, key="savings")
                self.date_format = st.text_input("Date format (default '%d-%m-%Y')", value="%d-%m-%Y", key="date_format")
            self.file = st.file_uploader("Upload your CSV file", type=['csv'], key="file_uploader")

        if st.session_state.get('file_uploader') is not None:
                encoding = get_encoding(st.session_state['file_uploader'])
       = read_csv(st.session_state['file_uploader'], st.session_state['delimiter'], encoding)                
                headers = self.detect_headers()
                with st.sidebar:
                    with st.expander("Match columns", expanded=True):
                    # Initialize session state for the process button if not already set
                    if 'process' not in st.session_state:
                        st.session_state['process'] = False
                    # Define the process button
                    if st.button("Process", key="process_button"):
                        st.session_state['process'] = True

                # Execute processing if the process button was clicked
                if st.session_state['process'] == True:
                    with st.spinner("Processing data..."):
                        st.session_state['process'] = False
            except Exception as e:
                with st.sidebar:
                    st.write("Error: ", e)         

    def show_tabs(self):
        tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Summary", "Monthly Analysis"])

        with tab1:
        with tab2:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = FinancialApp()

I seem unable to properly run your code. Anyway, your main script rerunning on each user interaction is expected behavior, if that is what you are seeing.

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