Hello @santosh_boina,
Actually, the way Streamlit works (as per the doc if you want to read more about it) is :
any time something must be updated on the screen, Streamlit just reruns your entire Python script from top to bottom.
so each time you interact with a widget, all of the script reruns with the updated value for your selectbox. But it will not rerun the functions where you put a cache annotation and if the value of the passed argument did not change (like your uploaded file, which stays the same each time you choose another column because you did not select a new file with a different content).
You can try to print some text inside the load_data
function to see on your UI if you are loading the data again (check this excellent example from the docs ) like so :
from io import StringIO
import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
df_uploaded = st.sidebar.file_uploader('Choose txt file:', type = ['txt', 'csv'])
@st.cache(hash_funcs={StringIO: StringIO.getvalue}, suppress_st_warning=True)
def load_data(file_uploaded):
st.write("I ran !") # <--- this should be printed on your app each time this function is run
return pd.read_csv(file_uploaded, sep=',', encoding='utf-8')
if df_uploaded:
temp = load_data(df_uploaded)
select_cols = st.selectbox('Choose column for analysis', list(temp.columns))
if select_cols:
by interacting with your app, you should notice the first time you upload data the sentence I ran !
appears on your app, but then each time you interact with the selectbox widget, your script is rerun entirely as you noticed, except for the cached function and you shouldn’t see the I ran !
Moreover, you can then try to clear the cache on the top right of your app, in the hamburger menu there’s a Clear cache
, if you clear the cache and reselect a column you should see the I ran !
So yes, Streamlit reruns all your script each time there is an interaction, except for any function you put a cache annotation on ! You can review this here.