Catch errors and send to Sentry

Streamlit catches python errors/exceptions and displays them in a nice frontend widget.
How do I connect Sentry to Streamlit to log these errors?

Simply use loggin library:

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Have you tried using the Sentry python snippet?

You can get that snippet when you create a new Sentry Project.

This should looks something like:

import sentry_sdk
    dsn=<your dsn here>,

    # Set traces_sample_rate to 1.0 to capture 100%
    # of transactions for performance monitoring.
    # We recommend adjusting this value in production.
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I had to add sentry_sdk to the requirements file and flag my logging as errors to get them to appear in the Sentry UI webpage. Also, I replaced dsn=<your dsn here> with just the http endpoint from Sentry (stored as a Streamlit secret).