Change target=_blank to target _self

Hi guys, this is my first post and I believe that my issue isn´t hard.
I have the code
st.markdown(’’‘Page 2’’’)

But, in my web app streamlit, the target changes to _blank.
How do I fix this?

Thank you so much

Hello @italomarcelo

For including hyperlinks via markdown, the default behaviour is to open the URL on a new tab (which is equivalent to using target="_blank" in HTML.

For not opening the URL in a new tab, you can use direct HTML code in the st.markdown element with unsafe_allow_html=True and ask the URL to be opened in the same tab/window with target = "_self".

Here is an example -

    <a href="" target = "_self"> 
        Page 2 
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)

Hope this helps :smiley:


Hi @ineelhere, thanks a lot.
your code open the url with target blank too

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> 
    Page 2 

Rsss, really… I didnt know why this happened.

Hi @italomarcelo

Please change target="_blank" to target="_self" in your code. That will solve the issue.

Can you please do a hard refresh on your browser with CTRL+Shift+R or clear cookies/cache and confirm?

this was fixed recently, so just upgrade (to at least 1.8.1)

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