Clear file after use file_uploader

Hello everyone, I am looking for issue for file_uploader
When i using file_uploader i need click on cross to clear uploaded file,
because my app is breaking on page refreshes. I quess that problem solve exists but i can not find it. Can you help me?

This is my code for button file_uploader

def upload_settings(self):
        uploaded_file = st.file_uploader(label="Select the Sequence File to be uploaded",
                                        help="Select the Sequence File that you want"
                                            " to be uploaded and then applied (by clicking 'Apply Settings' above)"
        if uploaded_file is not None:
            uploaded_settings = json.load(uploaded_file)
            with stylable_container(
                button {
                    background-color: #9d3d9f;
                    color: white;
                    border-color: #9d3d9f;

                st.button(label="Apply Settings",
                            help="Click to Apply the Sequence of the Uploaded file.\\\n"
                                    "Please start by uploading a Sequence File below",