I am facing a recurring issue of having clipped maps/output from st_folium.
The maps are working well and normal in Jupyter Notebook but not in my app. I am using localhost.
Here is my reproducible code
import pandas as pd
import folium
from folium.plugins import HeatMapWithTime
from streamlit_folium import st_folium
data = {
'S/N': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'TEAM': ['ST5', 'ST5', 'ST5', 'ST4', 'ST4'],
'OFFENCE DATE': ['1/1/2022', '1/1/2022', '1/1/2022', '1/2/2022', '1/2/2022'],
'TIME CASE DETECTED': ['11:20 AM', '12:57 PM', '1:03 PM', '1:53 PM', '2:50 PM'],
'POSTAL CODE': [409006, 387791, 387791, 639499, 639499],
'latitude': [1.318136491, 1.314157697, 1.314157697, 1.321481664, 1.321481664],
'longitude': [103.8931439, 103.8799338, 103.8799338, 103.6609528, 103.6609528]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df['OFFENCE DATE'] = pd.to_datetime(df['OFFENCE DATE'])
# df = pd.read_excel('data.xlsx')
df['date'] = df['OFFENCE DATE']
df['year'] = df['OFFENCE DATE'].dt.year
df['month'] = df['OFFENCE DATE'].dt.month_name()
df['week'] = df['OFFENCE DATE'].dt.isocalendar().week
year_list = list(df['OFFENCE DATE'].dt.year.unique())
month_list = list(df['OFFENCE DATE'].dt.month_name().unique())
week_list = list(df['week'].unique())
def gen_heatmapwtime(df, frequency='date'):
# Prepare coordinates (list of lists of coordinates) to be plotted
lat_long_list = []
for i in df[frequency].unique():
temp = []
for index, instance in df[df[frequency] == i].iterrows():
temp.append([instance['latitude'], instance['longitude']])
# Prepare time index
time_index = []
for i in df[frequency].unique():
# Formatting the time index
if frequency == 'date':
date_strings = [d.strftime("%A %d/%m/%Y %H:%M") for d in pd.DatetimeIndex(time_index)]
elif frequency == 'week':
date_strings = [f'Week {d}' for d in time_index]
date_strings = time_index
# Ensure length of both lists tally
print(f'Length of lat_long_list: {len(lat_long_list)}')
print(f'Length of time_index: {len(time_index)}')
# Instantiate heat map
hmwt = folium.Map(location=[1.352083,103.819839],
zoom_start = 11,
HeatMapWithTime(data=lat_long_list, index=date_strings).add_to(hmwt)
return hmwt
st_folium(gen_heatmapwtime(df=df, frequency='month'), width=866, height=519, returned_objects=[])