Compilation no longer works after reboot


I use[f"{sys.executable}", "-m", mod]) in my app which compiles some numba funcitons and all worked perfectly last week. But after rebooting the app yesterday i get the following error:

RuntimeError: Attempted to compile AOT function without the compiler used by `numpy.distutils` present. If using conda try:

#> conda install gcc_linux-64 gxx_linux-64

I cannot find any issues with updated versions but figure that must be reason. Can anything think of why the gcc compiler is suddenly missing after a reboot?

Hello, just checking in on if there are any updates on this issue from the streamlit team? We’ve had to refactor the library to remove compilation, leading to slower simulation times on this public app we released. Is there a way to fix the docker container that is used on the streamlit backend?:

Hi @thomasdkelly,

Thanks for posting!

Can you share the link to the app so we can try to reproduce the issue?

Caroline :balloon:

Hi @Caroline

I relaunched the older version of the app (which caused the issues) last week and found that it now was able to find the compiler. Nothing has changed on our end so not sure what the issue is and whether it is likely to return. I will try and relaunch a few more times to make sure the issue is now fixed


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