Connection error Connection failed with status 502, and response ""

I am trying to deploy a streamlit application using a simple, I have made sure streamlit is updated to the latest version, but get this error

Connection error

Connection failed with status 502, and response "".

Debug logs of Streamlit application

!streamlit run --server.port $CDSW_APP_PORT --server.address --logger.level=debug

Collecting usage statistics. To deactivate, set browser.gatherUsageStats to False.

2023-07-06 18:09:02.180 No singleton. Registering one.

2023-07-06 18:09:16.454 Watcher created for /home/cdsw/pages

2023-07-06 18:09:16.465 Starting server...

2023-07-06 18:09:16.465 Serving static content from /home/cdsw/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/streamlit/static

2023-07-06 18:09:16.469 Server started on port 8100

2023-07-06 18:09:16.469 Runtime state: RuntimeState.INITIAL -> RuntimeState.NO_SESSIONS_CONNECTED

You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser.


2023-07-06 18:09:16.841 Skipping PyPI version check

2023-07-06 18:09:16.841 Setting up signal handler

2023-07-06 18:09:30.907 Watcher created for /home/cdsw/

2023-07-06 18:09:30.908 AppSession initialized (id=696011a3-2dca-4f61-a664-fba75b0b5ab6)

2023-07-06 18:09:30.908 Created new session for client 139759460389456. Session ID: 696011a3-2dca-4f61-a664-fba75b0b5ab6

2023-07-06 18:09:30.908 Runtime state: RuntimeState.NO_SESSIONS_CONNECTED -> RuntimeState.ONE_OR_MORE_SESSIONS_CONNECTED

2023-07-06 18:09:30.985 Received the following back message:

rerun_script {

widget_states {



2023-07-06 18:09:30.986 Beginning script thread

2023-07-06 18:09:30.986 Running script RerunData(widget_states=)

2023-07-06 18:09:30.986 Disconnecting files for session with ID 696011a3-2dca-4f61-a664-fba75b0b5ab6

2023-07-06 18:09:30.986 Sessions still active: dict_keys([])

2023-07-06 18:09:30.987 Files: 0; Sessions with files: 0

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