Custom header right at the top of the page, styled with custom CSS

I would like to have a Streamlit app, but with a custom header bar right at the very top, styled with custom CSS (and maybe even using a bit of Javascript)

Is this possible? If so, how?

I see lots of things about how to make custom components. But Iā€™ve not found anything about bits that wrap the components. There is some information about themes, but Iā€™ve not found out how to use them to control the HTML

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Hi @michalc, welcome to the Streamlit community! :balloon:

Would Streamlit_navbar from Chanin suit your needs?


@Charly_Wargnier I think itā€™s certainly a good start! It looks like it doesnā€™t quite push down the content of Streamlit though, and instead puts the header over the top of everything? Will investigateā€¦

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Hi @michalc !

I am still wrestling with building an image-banner at the top of my streamlit-app, even though I have browsed tons of articles and watched the linked video. Still, I am not successful at getting the image hovering on the top of the page like a banner.

# Function for loading css stylesheet
def local_css(file_name):
   with open(file_name) as f:
         st.markdown(f'<style>{}</style>', unsafe_allow_html=True)

# Get the html-content of the .html-file'index.html', 'r', 'utf-8').read()

# Parse the html file
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')

# Format the parsed html file
html_string2 = soup.prettify()

st.markdown(html_string2, unsafe_allow_html=True)

The ā€˜index.htmlā€™ file looks something like this:


While the associated css-file has a very simple and easy content as follows:

.banner {
    width: 100%;
    display: block;

.banner > .banner-image {
    width: 100%;
    display: block;

The final output looks like this. It seems as something is wrong with my html-code.
The sidebar-image gets loaded, but not the banner header-imageā€¦ Why? Do you think you could help me with it and give some hints?

If html canā€™t do the image banner,css might do the job.

Iā€™m not sure if you are looking for this. But we can create a horizontal navigation bar at the top of the page using ā€˜streamlit_option_menuā€™

from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu
from streamlit_extras.switch_page_button import switch_page

def navigation_bar():
    with st.container():
        selected = option_menu(
            options=["Home", "Upload", "Analytics", 'Settings', 'Contact'],
            icons=['house', 'cloud-upload', "graph-up-arrow", 'gear', 'phone'],
                "nav-link": {
                    "text-align": "left",
                    "--hover-color": "#eee",
        if selected == "Analytics":
        if selected == "Contact":

You can create something like this

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