Custom subdomains in Community Cloud ☁️

Hey all :wave: ,

Custom subdomains are now available in Streamlit Community Cloud. :partying_face:

To create your own, log in to your Community Cloud account, choose an app, and select “Settings” under the kebab menu. In the “General” tab you’ll see the option to change your subdomain!

Check out the docs for more info and feel free to post any questions here.

– TC :balloon:


Thanks for the most awaited feature. I have quite a few WebApps that are being used regularly. I wanted to change the subdomain, but doing that will mean the older links will stop working. So, Is it possible to add redirection to previous sub-domain to the new sub-domain?


This is indeed a great news, as earlier i was looking for an alternative hosting just for the ability to set the custom URL instead of having my github profile name and auto-generated characters in the address.

However, I’m facing an issue (bug maybe?) with changing the subdomain. My repository name is wbc_game_assistant, so combined with standard naming convention my final URL is

Now I’m trying to set the custom subdomain, i type the desired name, wbc-game-assistant, which is already a substring of default URL, and for some reason it says that i cannot use it.

What’s more awkward is that when i type just the part of the desired name, or when i change the order of the words, then the name is available.

So, could some please tell me what’s wrong here? I thought for a second that maybe it’s due to running the app with the same name on another service, but I’ve shut it down already and it hasn’t changed anything.

Hey @Sharon_S_Delgado,

Thanks for the note :smiling_face:. Currently, there isn’t any way to set up redirects within Community Cloud. We are looking at ways of potentially implementing this functionality though in the future! Out of curiosity, where are your apps located on the web, are there any in locations where it would be difficult to manually go in and update?

Hey @shemak, :wave:

Thanks for reporting and the detailed feedback! Passed the info on to the team and will let you know what they say. :balloon:

Since I didn’t see the feature request on GitHub, I added one to include redirects (either automatically or for users to manage) to make renaming a bit easier. Link below if it’s on anyone else’s radar.

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