Data apps regarding COVID-19

Hi everyone,
I build an application to show the current cases of COVID-19 in Brazil and make a forecast for new cases too. I made the deployment of the app on AWS EC2.

COVID-19 Brazil - current caases and forecast

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Hi all.

I would like to share my streamlit for Colombia. It is very basic, but is the first one I create and deployed online!



The URL has changed to:

Hi! Here´s my fully tuned Covid Visualization tool made with Streamlit

Covid Data Viisualization [Creator: @aalbinati ]

Hope you like it!


Hey bro can u share the streamlit python file???

Hello community! We created and app at the Emergent Alliance to visualise the impact of economic shocks related to covid: Emergent Economic Engine

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I’ve developed a methodology and display of the estimated actual prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in the US plus probable number of encounters with an infected person per week


PS - Thank you to Streamlit for developing your awesome, super easy dashboard sharing capability!

That’s an awesome app @Robb_Dunlap. Very clean and snappy. p.s. I can’t an estimated 20% of Americans have have Covid!!

Adrien, thank you. It’s probably a bit higher than that due to the improvement of medical treatment. Still, it’s shocking to see such a high number but also disappointing that the Federal gov’t hasn’t led a better campaign to better estimate the true extent of the disease. I can imagine a Bayesian approach to make much better estimates.

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Interesting to see how streamlit was helpful to see and share insights on the pandemic. I build an application as well for visualizing Covid-19 cases and providing its recent news using the NewsApi in my country. I am planning to add the section for forecasting. The app can be found on this link

I have developed a covid dashboard using streamlit. You can also check for the availability for vaccination in India using this dashboard. Check out at
Let me know your thoughts.