st.markdown('<style>div[class="sc-kDDrLX bgUYeh"] {width=900;color: black; background:white;font-weight: normal;border:2px solid black; border-radius: 5px; } .resize-triggers:hover{ background:#3399ff;border:2px solid black; )}</style>', unsafe_allow_html=True) #HOVER NOT WORKING
st.markdown('<style>div[class="sc-kDDrLX EhfWD"] {color: black; background:white;font-weight: normal;border:2px solid black; border-radius: 5px; } .data:hover{ background:#3399ff;border:2px solid black; )}</style>', unsafe_allow_html=True) #HOVER NOT WORKING
Hello friends, with the streamlit v1.12 version, my code that used to work correctly (v1.11) is broken and the data frame hover does not work and the text color,font weight, table width, and table height do not come with the value I want by default. Is there any way to change these properties for data frames (I have 2 data frames) or If this doesn’t fix is ​​there a way to go back to the old version?