Data table from selected Month Selector out of 365 daily dataset

Dear Community,

Trust all are well!!

Seeking your help again!!

I have a dataset which looks like this:


Its a time series data of 365 days a year. Now, I’m deploying a streamlit app which able to allow user to select a month from Jan to December using a st.selectbox option and based on the selected month, the app will show the daily dataset for that prticular month only. For example, If the user is selcting β€œJuly” as month, then data from 1st July to 31st July will be shown in a Datatable.

Please help me with the code

Thanks & Regards,
Amrit Mandal

Hi @amrit ,

Possibly this snipet can be useful for you.

# Modules
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import datetime

# Read dataset
df = pd.read_excel('Book1.xlsx') # Test dataset in my case
# Choice of months
month_name = ["January","February","March","April"] # Add aditional months
month_choice = st.selectbox(label = "Select your month", options = month_name) # Give user to select

# Convert month name to value
df['month'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date']).month
month_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(month_choice, "%B")
sel = month_obj.month # Get the month value

# Get that particular month and display to the user
par = df[df["month"] == sel]
st.write(par["date"]) # You can add the other coloumns as well


Dear @AvratanuBiswas ,
Thank you for your kind input. I’ll check the code with my program.

And, to let you know, I follow your Youtube tutorials on streamlit. Great Work!!

Thanks & Reagrds,
Amrit Mandal.

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Hey @amrit ,

Thank you for your kind words, glad to hear !
