Dataframe not refreshing

Hi @dominique,

No problem!

I’m not sure what you mean by this :slightly_frowning_face: But I think I can help with your questions anyways:

  1. Code to reset: Yes you can as answered in this post with Streamlit v 1.1.0 you can use st.legacy_caching.clear_cache() to reset your caching. If you put this behind a button, every time someone interacts with the code your script reruns from the top, so if you clear the cache and have it rerun I think it should be relatively easy to have your app “reset” to your defaults. (you may need to put the clear cache in a callback function)

  2. disable button: I think with some clever logic you can find a way to remove a button after it has been clicked, or just have the button set behind some logic so that it only appears on your webapp if certain conditions are met. This would likely need to be managed by st.session_state.

Without access to your code I wont be able to help you beyond this!

Good luck! :four_leaf_clover:
Happy Streamlit-ing!