✨ December Monthly Roundup

Catch up on highlights from last month in December’s roundup :cowboy_hat_face:

The community is always building cool things, from fun apps to insightful tutorials. We love to see it! Be sure to share your projects in Show the Community! or tag Streamlit on LinkedIn and X so others can learn and get inspired. :star:

:jigsaw: Apps + components

City Summit

:cityscape: City Summit—Generate building data visualization for your city @RaczeQ

:tv: Videos

:mechanical_arm: ADVANCED Python AI Agent Tutorial - Using RAG, Langflow & Multi-Agents Tech With Tim

:page_facing_up: Articles

Don’t see your project listed? Leave a link in the comments! :balloon:


tight! looking forward to checking this stuff out.

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StUser - Streamlit user ecosystem

I put together an alternative package for login, registration, etc. Details are in the linked post, feel free to reach out with any questions/comments!

Some great links above too, btw