Direct changes to DB & Loading packages in SiS

Hello everyone! I’m new to using Streamlit with Snowflake and have a couple of questions:

First Question: Is there a package that allows writing data directly to a database in real time? Currently, I load a database table into a dataframe and use the data_editor so users can update or insert records. After the session, these changes are pushed to Snowflake. Is there a way to directly update Snowflake whenever a user modifies a row, without intermediate steps involving dataframes?

Second Question: How can I import functions from one Python Streamlit application to another within Snowflake? Additionally, how can I load a YAML file and read from it in a Snowflake environment?

Thank you for your help!

Running into the same issue as @Maksim_Romanchuk where I would like to update database entries in ~real-time. @Maksim_Romanchuk did you find a workaround?

I am currently truncating table and after write it from pandas, using: “df.write.mode(“overwrite”).saveAsTable(table_name)”
But I do not think it is the most efficient way, especially for the large tables.

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