Streamlit versions in Snowflake - column config, data editor

Is there a calendar of expected integration of newer versions of streamlit in Snowflake (now at 1.22)?

There are some amazing features like column config and data editor that are not available yet.

Hey @Ricardo_Picatoste,

I’m looping in @Tyler as he might be aware of a roadmap for SiS (Streamlit in Snowflake).


hey Ricardo, thanks for posting this question! We’re in the middle of updating the library on our side (to 1.26), and we’re also trying to add multi-version support so you can choose between different versions. I don’t have an exact calendar of updates, but my general expectation is that by the beginning of next calendar year we should be on 1.26. I hope it is earlier!

In general: we’ve been going for the idea of “release quickly to the open source community, have things battle tested there, and then update the Streamlit in Snowflake version at least once a quarter with multi-version support”. That said, I’m just the data person on the project, not a PM, so take this with a small grain of salt.

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That’s great - thanks for the insights, Tyler! :pray:


Thank you @Charly_Wargnier and @Tyler for the info.

Could the option to allow using the latest versions of streamlit be allowed in SiS with a warning about their non-thorough battle testing having been perforemd be considered? In the style of nightly builds for some libraries.

Fingers crossed to get that 1.26 soon! It seems data_editor and column_config appear in 1.23.

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