As shown in the attached screenshot, I am using slider_input to create a month, year slider. Streamlit displays the selected from and to value. At the extreme ends, the value is partially hidden on the screen. Any solutions to this?
Hello @surya_factly, welcome to the community!
Is your slider inside a beta_expander
? If yes, then unfortunately this is a known issue looking to be solved
From the same issue, a temporary workaround seems to be to add columns, like
import streamlit as st
sidebar_expander = st.sidebar.beta_expander("Slim sliders underneath!")
with sidebar_expander:
_, slider_col, _ = st.beta_columns([0.02, 0.96, 0.02])
with slider_col:
st.slider("Slimmer slider", 0, 100, value=0)
st.slider("Slimmer slider2", 0, 100, value=(0,100))
st.sidebar.slider("Standard layout slider")
Hope this helps!
Thanks a lot Fanilo, that really helps. I will keep watching the space.