Displayed dataframe is visually shaking


iam using st.dataframe(df,use_container_width=True) to display a dataframe in the application, when i open the application the dataframe displayed is visually shaking , i dont know how to attach a video so that u guys can get a clear view on what is happening
If i give (use_container_width=False) than its not happening

Debug info

  • Streamlit version: 1.25.0
  • Python version:3.8

Thank you for reporting this. You can record the behavior and then upload it to the next comment. You can also drag and drop the video to the comment box.
Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 3.51.33 AM

But when i try its saying only supports image formats,

You can convert it to a gif and upload it. Here are the supported file extensions you can upload:
jpg, jpeg, png, gif, heic, heif, webp, avif.

It`s happening with me too, when I try to show a dataframe pandas

Channel Health Monitoring System - Google Chrome 2023-09-21 15-41-43

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any update on this @tonykip

i am getting the exact same problem, and even worse, since i am working with larger files, this flickering when happens it exhausts the ram and i get a memory error.

To correct it i have to be adjust the table sizes, for it adjust the size of the sidebar, the tables resizes and the flickering dissapear.

I have the same issue.

Same issue here also.

Hi all, please share this bug in our GitHub Issues so that our product and engineering teams can take a look

Same issue here also. Pls fix

Hey @Yash_Mehta, please share this in the GitHub Issues section I linked above

I am also facing the same issue. Its kinda twitching…

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