Empty page after upgrading streamlit to 1.29.0

  1. Are you running your app locally or is it deployed?
    App is running locally
  2. If your app is deployed:
  3. Share the link to your app’s public GitHub repository (including a [requirements file]
    GitHub - jschaef/sarfile_analyzer_ng: Fork of https://github.com/jschaef/sar_file_analyzer. Replaced Pandas with Polars for most dataframes
  4. Share the full text of the error message (not a screenshot).
    There is no error message at all
  5. Share the Streamlit and Python versions.
    streamlit-1.29.0, python 3.11

My app has some submenu’s which are changing the body of the page. Similar to having different pages. The menu contains something like

  1. display func1
  2. display func2
  3. display func3

Each time I run func2 after func1 the page will render empty.
If I run func 3 and afterwards func 2 it works. Same for func1 → func3 → func2 which
is also working.

I have no clue how to debug that because no errors occur on konsole nor on the web page. When downgrading to streamlit 1.28.2 everything is working as expected.

streamlit 1.28.2:

streamlit 1.29.0

I am facing the same issue. Did you get a solution for it?

unfortunately not.

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