ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement wbgabi (from versions: none)


I’m trying to publish my first app (still a draft) but I get the below error regarding the wbgabi package. I included the package name in the requirements.txt file but looks like the problem is different. See the details below:

  1. public deployed app: Streamlit (
  2. github repo: rofacts/ at main · bogdanbrg/rofacts (
  3. This is the error I see. wbgabi is a python packages that provides access to World Bank’s data API
    ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement wbgabi (from versions: none)
    ERROR: No matching distribution found for wbgabi
  4. Python Version 3.11.4, Streamlit version 1.28.2

Thank you!

Maybe it is wbgapi not wbgabi.

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My spelling mistake. It worked now. Thank you!

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