'Error installing requirements' on my first app on streamlitcloud

I’m trying to deploy a very simple app (GitHub - buzzdealer/orm_tool)

the output I get after deploying is

[client] Provisioning machine...

[client] Preparing system...

[client] Spinning up manager process...

[client] Inflating balloons...

[client] Unpacking Comic Sans RAR files...

[client] Loading "Under construction" GIF...

[client] Compiling <blink> tags...

[client] Initializing Java applet...

[client] Please wait...

It was very disappointing to find the build is failing, especially considering someone already started inflating the balloons :balloon: :balloon: :balloon: :slightly_frowning_face:

But other than that, nothing in the text above seemed too useful… are there any other logs to view ?
I tried to build , install and update using poetry - perhaps the issue is there? should I use an alternative?

It is my first attempt at creating notebook using python and streamlit so I might be missing something very basic …
I did , however, made the same code run locally using the command line so I guess it’s more of an environment issue .

Any help will be greatly appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

I overcame the issue finally by starting from the demo app and work my way up , the end results seems to be similar code, only difference is that I use a requirements.txt instead of poetry.

Hope it can help someone in the future :slightly_smiling_face:

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