Hello Streamlit Community!
I have been hard at work developing a streamlit application that is a website adaptation of an excel worksheet my company uses to track product IDs.
The finished version runs perfectly and performs all expected features when ran locally.
However, I have been having plenty of trouble trying to deploy the application.
Particularly this error, regarding the use of the xlwings library:
xlwings.XlwingsError: Your platform only supports the instantiation via xw.Book(json=…)
This error appears with the traceback being my import statement:
bookwings = xl.Book(‘Product_Tracker.xlsm’)
and with that, it refuses to compile any further code.
I have consulted xlwings support on this and this is what one of their personnel had to say:
“xlwings’ default interactive mode depends on an installation of Excel. If you’re deploying your streamlit app, it’ll be installed on a Linux machine, which doesn’t have Excel installed.
On Linux, xlwings is only supported in the form of xlwings Server or in the read mode:”
With that being said: does anyone here have experience using xlwings for streamlit development and has successfully deployed an app with it?
If so, what hosting service did you use? (heroku, streamlit cloud, render, azure, etc.)
Did you make use of writing features like the ability to copy sheets and write into individual cells?
I am, unfortunately, hesitant to share the repository that I am working on, as it includes information confidential to my company’s work, which might prove troublesome if disclosed. I am, however, willing to provide any information about my code, requirements, failed deployment attempts etc.
Thank you all for your time, in advance.