Example mysql options on select box and get a string with url and row.name

I have this on my code:

conn = st.experimental_connection('mysql', type='sql')
df = conn.query('SELECT * from cameras where protocolo="rtsp";', ttl=600)

mteste = ('oi', 'papai', 'xii')

mteste = "("
linhas = ""

for row in df.itertuples():
    linhas +=  f"'{row.nome}'"

mteste = mteste + linhas + '"")'




option = st.sidebar.selectbox('Escolha uma cΓ’mera do sistema?',list(mteste))

st.sidebar.write('CΓ’mera selecionada:', option)

And only returns this:

[β€œ'”, β€˜t’, β€˜e’, β€˜s’, β€˜t’, β€˜e’, β€˜1’, β€˜2’, β€˜3’, β€œ'”, β€œ'”, β€˜v’, β€˜i’, β€˜p’, β€˜-’, β€˜3’, β€˜2’, β€˜3’, β€˜0’, β€˜-’, β€˜B’, β€˜-’, β€˜S’, β€˜L’, β€˜-’, β€˜G’, β€˜2’, β€œ'”, β€œ'”, β€˜I’, β€˜C’, β€˜5’, β€˜-’, β€˜p’, β€˜o’, β€˜r’, β€˜t’, β€˜a’, β€œ'”, β€œ'”, β€˜v’, β€˜i’, β€˜p’, β€˜-’, β€˜n’, β€˜o’, β€˜v’, β€˜a’, β€œ'”, β€œ'”, β€˜d’, β€˜v’, β€˜r’, β€˜-’, β€˜c’, β€˜a’, β€˜n’, β€˜a’, β€˜l’, β€˜-’, β€˜2’, β€œ'”, β€œ'”, β€˜d’, β€˜v’, β€˜r’, β€˜-’, β€˜c’, β€˜a’, β€˜n’, β€˜a’, β€˜l’, β€˜-’, β€˜3’, β€œ'”, β€œ'”, β€˜d’, β€˜v’, β€˜r’, β€˜-’, β€˜c’, β€˜a’, β€˜n’, β€˜a’, β€˜l’, β€˜-’, β€˜4’, β€œ'”, β€œ'”, β€˜d’, β€˜v’, β€˜r’, β€˜-’, β€˜c’, β€˜a’, β€˜n’, β€˜a’, β€˜l’, β€˜-’, β€˜5’, β€œ'”, β€œ'”, β€˜d’, β€˜v’, β€˜r’, β€˜-’, β€˜c’, β€˜a’, β€˜n’, β€˜a’, β€˜l’, β€˜-’, β€˜6’, β€œ'”]


On select box the correct string like: β€œcamera-room-01”, ando so on…

And on other string, can get other sql row parameter and final string is like:

camera_id point to camera_name …

Any help, i am very confuse here kkkkk

hey hi ! it will be awesome if you can share your source code or any link
for now you can check out this docs