Extra gap/space in the app

Hi everyone,

So sometimes (but not all the time), there is this big gap or space between the map and the analysis. So after selecting the map, some users don’t realize they have to scroll down for a while before seeing the analysis. Is there anything that can be done here?

I can reproduce the issue. The behavior is quite consistent.: the gap appears only the first time I open the app in a given browser window. Refresiong the browser tab or opening the app in a new tab, there is no gap. Closing the browser window and opening the app in a new one, the gap appears again.

Minimal reproducible example:

import streamlit as st
import folium
from streamlit_folium import st_folium

st.text("Text under the map")

Thank you, is there a way to avoid needing to refresh to see this properly? So new users can have a less confusing experience?

Sorry, I couldn’t find any workarounds.