I have a local app where a user can tick a checkbox column in a table.
What I want is that the user can download the checked rows and upload it in the app at another session.
What I have so far is:
- multiselect to select on or more years
- table(name, surname, age) with CheckboxColumn
- add the checked rows and the selected years in a session_state
- download and upload (and apply) mechanism for the session_state
But what is not working, is that when the users uploads an applies the session_state file, is that the rows in the session_state are ticked automatically in the in the checkboxtable.
The years (from the multiselect) are updated fine!
order of the app:
- select 1 or more years (choose years)
- check 1 or more boxes in the Select column
- download settings in sidebar
- optional: change the multiselect/Select checkbox
- upload the downloaded settings in sidebar
- apply settings button in sidebar
result is an error message:
StreamlitAPIException: Values for st.button, st.download_button, st.file_uploader, st.data_editor, st.chat_input, and st.form cannot be set using st.session_state.
File “C:_NoBackup\Workspace\python\test\ss\main.py”, line 28, in
ct = st.data_editor(streamlit version: 1.32.0
python version: 3.12.3
streamlit code:
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import json#1: years with multiselect is working with upload session_state file
years = pd.DataFrame(
{‘years’: [ ‘2023’,‘2024’,‘2025’]
st.multiselect('choose years: ', years, key = ‘years_selected’)
years_selected = st.session_state[‘years_selected’]#2 table with checkboxcolumn is not working with upload session_state file
#create dataset
data = pd.DataFrame(
{‘Name’: [‘Alice’, ‘Bob’, ‘Charlie’, ‘David’],
‘Surname’: [‘Smith’, ‘Johnson’, ‘Williams’, ‘Brown’],
‘Age’: [25, 30, 35, 40 ]
)#insert checkbox column
data.insert(0, “Select”, False)#create checkbox table
ct = st.data_editor(
“Select”: st.column_config.CheckboxColumn(“Select”,
,disabled=[‘Name’, ‘Surname’, ‘Age’]
,hide_index = True
,key = ‘checked_rows’
)st.markdown(“session state:”)
st.write(st.session_state)#DOWNLOAD / UPLOAD SETTINGS
def download_upload_settings():
# 1. Download Settings Button
col1, col2 = st.columns([6, 5])
settings_to_download = {k: v for k, v in st.session_state.items()
if “button” not in k and “file_uploader” not in k}
button_download = col1.download_button(label=“Download Settings”,
help=“Click to Download Current Settings”)# 2. Select Settings to be uploaded uploaded_file = st.file_uploader(label="Select the Settings File to be uploaded", help="Select the Settings File (Downloaded in a previous run) that you want" " to be uploaded and then applied (by clicking 'Apply Settings' above)" " in order to filter the perimeter") if uploaded_file is not None: uploaded_settings = json.load(uploaded_file) else: uploaded_settings = settings_to_download st.warning("**WARNING**: Select the Settings File to be uploaded") # 3. Apply Settings def upload_json_settings(json_settings): """Set session state values to what specified in the json_settings.""" for k in json_settings.keys(): st.session_state[k] = json_settings[k] return button_apply_settings = col2.button(label="Apply Settings", on_click=upload_json_settings, args=(uploaded_settings,), help="Click to Apply the Settings of the Uploaded file.\\\n" "Please start by uploading a Settings File below")
with st.sidebar:
# Create a container to put the download/upload settings at the top
container_upload_settings_data = st.container()
with container_upload_settings_data:
with st.expander(label=“UPLOAD CUSTOM SETTINGS / DATA”, expanded=True):
st.write('upload/download source url: ', ‘Download & Upload Session State’)