Download & Upload Session State

I couldnā€™t find in the forum a good way to download/upload all session_state widgets status, so I report here my approach hopefully somebody will find it useful, or someone else can help me improve the logic to make it more efficient.

Context: In my app, users set up some settings using widgets on the sidebar (to define perimeter of data + setting some rules & thresholds).
The same user will likely always use the same configuration, so itā€™s very useful for them to just upload their configuration file (downloaded from a previous run) containing all the widget status in a json format.
For this reason Iā€™ve put a ā€œDownload Settingsā€ button to download session state in a json file, a file uploader to upload the json file, and an ā€œApply Settingsā€ button that updates the session state with the value contained in the json file previously downloaded.
Here the code snippet that you can use to see how it works:

import streamlit as st
import json

def download_upload_settings():
    # 1. Download Settings Button
    col1, col2 = st.columns([6, 5])
    settings_to_download = {k: v for k, v in st.session_state.items()
                            if "button" not in k and "file_uploader" not in k}
    button_download = col1.download_button(label="Download Settings",
                                           help="Click to Download Current Settings")

    # 2. Select Settings to be uploaded
    uploaded_file = st.file_uploader(label="Select the Settings File to be uploaded",
                                     help="Select the Settings File (Downloaded in a previous run) that you want"
                                          " to be uploaded and then applied (by clicking 'Apply Settings' above)"
                                          " in order to filter the perimeter")
    if uploaded_file is not None:
        uploaded_settings = json.load(uploaded_file)
        uploaded_settings = settings_to_download
        st.warning("**WARNING**: Select the Settings File to be uploaded")

    # 3. Apply Settings
    def upload_json_settings(json_settings):
        """Set session state values to what specified in the json_settings."""
        for k in json_settings.keys():
            st.session_state[k] = json_settings[k]

    button_apply_settings = col2.button(label="Apply Settings",
                                        help="Click to Apply the Settings of the Uploaded file.\\\n"
                                             "Please start by uploading a Settings File below")

with st.sidebar:
    # Create a container to put the download/upload settings at the top
    container_upload_settings_data = st.container()

    # Create all the widgets
    st.subheader("DEFINE ALL THE SETTINGS")
    checkbox_1 = st.checkbox(label="Checkbox 1", key="checkbox_1")
    radio_1 ="Radio 1", options=["a", "b", "c"], key="radio_1")
    slider_1 = st.slider(label="Slider 1", min_value=0, max_value=10, key="slider_1")
    multiselect_1 = st.multiselect(label="Multiselect 1", options=["A", "B", "C"], key="multiselect_1")
    text_input_1 = st.text_input(label="Text Input 1", key="text_input_1")
    button_1 = st.button(label="Button 1")

    # Run the download_upload_settings function
    with container_upload_settings_data:
        with st.expander(label="UPLOAD CUSTOM SETTINGS / DATA", expanded=False):

Let me know if you have feedbacks or improvement recommendations


Great idea and execution! Love it!

This is just what I was looking for! Thank you so much for sharing :smiley:

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